2010年11月22日 星期一

22/11 2010 What's? line up!!

I goes to Taipei every saturday that I saw many people line up just for "Uniqlo"!
I doubted why many young people do stupid things just for clothes?   I know that Uniqlo is a good brand but  I can't understand why they do that?!
This friday I went to Uniqlo just like take a stroll.........I didn't need  stand in a line like a fool !

2010年11月7日 星期日

7/11 2010 Marriage-seeking

                                                              Pudding  (A Red Poodle)

This is a marriage-seeking for Pudding!!
Pudding is a lovely poodle and he is my yonger brother. He came our home when he borned about 50 days! Now,he is 3 years old. He has a few dog friends, no girlfriend and he doesn't like do exercise but he likes roast chicken leg (ha ha ha~)  . And, we always fight together...becuase he likes to bit my leg. ( A game just for fun each other......ha ha!)  Anyhow,he is a handsome dog. He has long legs,bright and piercing eyes,and kind! A gentle dog!! So, if you have red poodle in medium-sized. (Just for lady dog.....Pudding is not a gay, even though I have had suspected him.) Please contact with me or leave a message.


2010年11月5日 星期五

5/11 2010 A Trick

I enccounter with my best classmate on the way to buy my brunch.
She stammered out the important thing. She said "Leslie...you are enrolled in foreign language department but me!!" The incident came as quite a surprise to me!! Why is me? I thought the chance should for her, becuase I believe her engkish is better than me.
After I feeled sad.....Nini called me and said " Ha ha ha......just a funny lie"! 
= = ''' ok~I'm a LOCA !! I was taken into her trick! But, I Know a  good news..........
We all in foreign language department now!!